Monday, August 4, 2008

Good Stuff

The bread didn't turn out that good last night. This morning I tried another loaf, choosing a more modest approach to a healthy bread: instead of using 3 cups whole wheat I used only 1 and made up the rest with high protein flour, other ingredients unchanged. The result was inspiring so I made 2 more loaves; one loaf we made for the person who "introduced" us with the store.

Sometimes I can't believe I'm actually baking bread for our daily consumption. I mean I do love bread especially that Hi-5 Wholemeal and I would try to make some myself from time to time but I never liked my bread, it lacked everything.

Then, it changed when my working status changed. Now I have plenty of time to look up stuff in the net, recipes among other things. My bread has jumped quite a milestone in improvement, thanks to free information (and education). We haven't had bread from stores for some time now and I think we are hardly missing it...


AUNTIDA said...

mr baker (and your better half,too, of course!- whom i suspect has got a lot to do with this blog), thanks for the bread. mighty delicious.

remember the wheatgerm i gave to tang? you can make semi-healthy bread with one portion of wheatgerm and 3 portions of flour. try and let me know (ie let me rasa also).

mr baker said...

ah.. that store ran out of wheat germ. We finished your wheat germ in no time - tak sempat nak bagi tuan dia rasa pun. I tried heating it up a bit before mixing in: it adds wonderful aroma and flavor to bread.

AUNTIDA said...

mr baker, best place to buy wheatgerm and organic things (if you want to heave healthier things like mixed nuts etc) is the shop in lam whah ee hospital. opens office hour. just on the right of the main entrance. cheap wheatgerm about 3-4 ringgit per kilo kot.

chu said...

Mr Baker, the bread is yummy. Sorry to let you know that it had to stay in my car for two days but the taste is still superb. Tak bohong. I don't know what you put in it but it tastes different and better than any other "designer" bread yang I pernah makang. I still have half a loaf lagi dalam fridge. Makan sikit-sikit takut habis. TQ again for baking the loafs for us.

mr baker said...

thanks for the compliments, you must've got one of the very few good batches.. my bread always vary in taste and look.
took a while to ascertain who chu was. nice blog! i'm too lazy to update mine.

Anonymous said...

hei mr baker,

what can i say about bread? i know how to eat it but baking one? hehehe... i'll break instead!!

good luck with your bread bakings. i'm sure you're good at it indeed. your friends' compliments, confirmed it!!

btw, i'm yet to ask my sis on the title and singer of the song at my blog's entry. it sure was an old song tho' not an oldie... will let u know, insyaallah.

till later!
