Monday, November 9, 2009

Missed that Tang fruity drinks

Whenever I spotted a new soursop drink product on the shelves, I naturally would want to stay away from it as experience has taught me again and again that it's not the soursop drink that I meant. Then, quite adamantly I'd buy it anyway after a 10th visit or so down the aisle; only to reassert my previous finding.

The thing is, where is my Tang soursoup? It's been missing from store shelves for ages! Who's keeping it away?

It's the soursop that I fancied most. Orange was ok though by comparison it could easily beat most other brands. Pomelo was also one of its kind. I don't know why I'm speaking in retrospective when I'm sure Tang drinks are far from extinct. I mean the company which manufactures them, the Kraft Foods, is still the world's second largest in its business and it's positive, Tang drinks are still in production.

I used to get them from Giants stores or even some regular convenience stores but now they are nowhere to be found. For something so good it's a shame that they have become rare. Somehow the simple supply and demand economic system doesn't work this time. Or perhaps I could be overstating the demand for it?

Perhaps I should consider ordering it online. Buy bulks and open a small-time mail order business that cater to all Tang drink lovers in this region...

Ah, that is another idea that can go into my home business archive!

p/s by the way I'm still a quitter though I've done it 3 times till now. an important tip to potential quitters - never take another sip, for whatever reasons.